What is employee experience technology?

Many HR professionals have rightly become interested in the idea of enhancing theemployee experience。And why not? Data shows those who perceive their at-work experience to be high, are more engaged and also more productive. In other words, creating good experiences is a businesswin-win

毫不奇怪,我们还看到了一系列技术供应商也开始为员工体验技术提供技术。谁能怪他们?但是仍然有一个大谜:什么isthis technology and how does it actually help?

Unfortunately, this seemingly simple question leads us into a world of confusion!

许多不同类型的人力资源软件声称是员工体验的关键部分。从某种意义上说,他们是对的。正如我在书中与彼得·纳文(Peter Navin)一起描述的那样人民党(2ndEdition),employee experience is based on all the touchpoints between an employee and the organization. Since each piece of software has touchpoints with employees, they all are right to claim it impacts experience.


So how do HRDs approach employee experience wheneverything影响员工经历?


  • 专注于固定障碍的技术,使员工提高生产力

While HR might instinctively lean towards points 2 and 3 first (see below), they should really start with a focus on people’s work. It’s worth remembering that employees (generally) do care a lot about getting their work done. If they can’t get their work done because a system is slow or confusing or hard to use, then that hurts the employee experience. Yes, we can have systems that enhance the employee experience by, for example, offering recognition, but the best place to start is by doing everything you can to make people’s work as efficient as possible.

  • 专注于解决挫败员工的烦人技术

The second element involves identifying what employees find most annoying. Both the first and second elements are easy to uncover: Just ask employees.

  • 寻找偶尔使用最先进系统使员工感到高兴的方法

This third element is probably the hardest to pull off. It’s a real plus when you occasionally delight employees by offering something unexpected. The good news is that every so often a new technology将要come along that noticeably improves the employee experience. For example, being able to swap shifts using a mobile app. That will delight employees if you are an early adopter. If you are a late adopter, then no one will be impressed.

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Be prepared for a bumpy road to start with

It’s worth noting however, that when you try to make things better you may sometimes make things worse.

The period of working out the bugs and learning to use new technology is often a painful time. But remember, the employee experience you should focus on is not just the final state of the product; it’s the experience through the whole period of transition. This means involving stakeholders in the technology decision, testing thoroughly before you roll it out, training users, and providing outstanding support in the early days as users adopt the new tool.


If you only come away with one thing though, it should arguably be this: If you approach things with the mindset “weoughtto buy employee experience technology” – this will lead you in the wrong direction.

HRDs need to always be aware of the employee experience and how it is affected by various technologies. It is only then that they should adopt the technology they think will make a biggest difference.

Given every technology can impact the employee experience, let’s just start to notice where experience isn’t good and then find ways to improve it.

大卫·克里尔曼(David Creelman)是Creelman Research。他主要位于多伦多,部分位于吉隆坡,以对人力资源最新问题的研究而闻名。

He works with think tanks such as Talent Tech Labs (New York), Works Institute (Tokyo), Workforce Institute (Boston) and CRF (London). He’s collaborated with leading academics such as Henry Mintzberg (leadership development), Ed Lawler (“Built to Change”) and John Boudreau (future of work).

His books includeThe CMO of People: Manage employees like customers with an immersive predictable experience that drives productivity and performancewith GrandRound’s CHRO Peter Navin; andLead the Work: Navigating a world beyond employment与John Boudreau(USC)和Ravin Jesuthasan(Willis Towers Watson)。

You can connect to Mr. Creelman onLinkedIn
